“But we are only termites on a planet and maybe when we bore too deeply into the planet there’ll be a reckoning. Who knows?”


Termite Treatment in Singapore

The Destructive Termite:

Termites are often called the "silent destroyer" because they may be secretly hiding and thriving in your home without any immediate signs of damage, until the problem becomes severe. All termites consume cellulose-based plant materials. Unfortunately, all homes, regardless of their construction type, can provide cellulose food for termite infestations. Subterranean termite homes are usually formed in soil, and within these mounds, termites build elaborate tunnel systems and mud tunnels through which they access above-ground food sources. There are many ways you can identify termites, however, the time spent trying to locate them could lead to mounting frustration. Without timely termite treatment, leaving the infestation untreated can result in costly repairs when damage has been done.


Termite infestations are a common problem in Singapore all year. Origin Exterminators goes beyond managing termite problems by eliminating them at the source with reffective termite treatment. What are the advantages of using thermal imaging for detecting termites?
• The flexibility to detect termites before any damage is visible means that corrective action can be taken sooner, reducing the amount of damage done.
• Thermal imaging is completely non-destructive and non-intrusive. This allows our technicians to determine termite hotspots without disturbing walls, removing ceilings, or damaging parts of your home that are not termite infested.
• The technology is entirely safe and poses no threat to health whatsoever because the equipment only detects infrared radiation naturally emitted from an object and does not emit any radiation itself.

How to Identify and Prevent Termite Infestation:

Termites (commonly known as white ants in Singapore) are the most feared pests for property owners because of the costly damage that termite infestation can cause. It is especially concerning because they thrive in tropical climates like Singapore with high humidity and rainfall. There are three main species of termites found in Singapore: subterranean termites, drywood termites, and dampwood termites.


Origin Exterminators has been in the pest control industry for more than three decades, and we have become one of the most well-known companies delivering professional termite control methods in Singapore. Termites are strong in numbers, with colonies consisting of up to 2 million members, thriving in the soil deep underground. This makes them a particularly challenging pest to control. Origin's Termite Elimination Team offers several termite treatment and control methods to detect, locate, and eradicate termites at different stations.


  1. Corrective action Our originators began by installing Above Ground Stations along active mud trails. These mud trails have been constructed by termites as travel paths and passageways between food sources and their colony. These secluded stations attract termites to feed on our Termiticide bait.

    ORIGIN Specialised Termite Bait:
    Our termite bait is less toxic than table salt.
    It is not harmful for small children, pets and non target animals.
    It does not harm other beneficial insects such as earthworms or caterpillars.
    It is slow acting to allow/encourage maximum circulation by the termites.
    It can achieve 100% colony elimination.

  2. Termiticide bait activity Over the course of a few weeks, we will replenish the bait when necessary. This enables the Termite Workers to transfer the Termiticide throughout the colony for comprehensive coverage and complete elimination.

  3. ORIGIN Stamp of Elimination As the Termiticide bait takes effect; termite activity will gradually cease. At this stage, the stations are removed.


To prevent re-infestation by other termite colonies and for additional peace of mind, ORIGIN can install In-Ground Stations surrounding your premises as a preventive measure. There are two main type of in-ground stations:

  1. Soil In Ground
    • For use in landscaped areas
    • The cover is flushed to the ground
    • The cover is also lockable to prevent access to the stations

  2. Concrete In Ground
    • For use in driveways, tiled areas and concrete areas
    • The cover is flushed to the ground • The cover is also lockable to prevent access to the stations

    • The cover is extremely durable and can withstand use in driveways with high traffic from cars

  3. ORIGIN Stamp of Elimination
    • As the Termiticide bait takes effect; the termite activity will gradually cease. At this stage, the stations are removed.


Drywood Termite
drywood termites 1

light to medium brown in colour
9mm to 13mm in length


Eggs: small and white

Nymph: immature termites with softer bodies.

Adult: upon reaching adulthood, termites are capable of reproducing and continue to feed on the wood they are infesting.

Unlike Subterranean Termites that need a constant source of moisture to survive, Drywood termites are able to extract moisture from the wood they are consuming. 

When a suitable location has been found for the colony, the female begins to lay eggs and grow the colony. 

drywood termites 2

Drywood termites feed on dry, untreated wood and can infest a wide range of wooden structure and objects like furniture, flooring, walls and beams.

They established their colonies in dry, sound wood that is not contact with soil, because they do not need a moist environment or access to soil to survive.  

Drywood termites are hard to detect because they eat and live in the wood. But they leave behind small piles of faecal pellets that resemble sawdust.

Wings are longer than their body length, and have a series of veins that run through them.


Our professionals are trained to meticulously seek out Drywood Termites. They also take into consideration structural issues, housekeeping practices as well as surrounding environments.


A specially formulated foam is injected into the termite galleries within the wood. As it expands, the foam penetrates deep into the voids, providing effective termite treatment by suffocating the termites and destroying the eggs.


Based on our inspection of your premises and the contributing factors that may be involved, our technician will offer advice on how to prevent a future Drywood termite infestation.


After the service is done, a digital report will be emailed to you. This report contains photos of the problematic spots and the treatment done, along with suggestions specific to your site. 


Subterranean Termites
subterranean termite 1

light to medium brown in colour
9mm to 13mm in length

Eggs: white or translucent
Nymph: immature termites with softer bodies.
Woker: forage, build and maintain the nest, care for the young.
Soldier: defend colony
Reproductive stage: when the colony has matured and environmental conditions are suitable, some nymphs moult into reproductive winged termites (alates or swarmers) to mate and start new colonies.

Subterranean Termites have a specialised grooming behaviour called allogrooming, where they groom each other using their mandibles and specialised grooming organs on their bodies. They remove debris, fungus and parasites from each other’s bodies to reduce risk of disease transmission.

Every colony has a queen which is responsible for maintaining the population - she lays hundreds to thousands of eggs a day.

Subterranean Termites build their nests in soil, wood or other materials that are in contact with the soil.

They feed on wood, paper, and other cellulose materials.

subterranean termites 2

Subterranean Termites need moisture to survive - they build mud tubes to provide a protected pathway for them to forage for food or reach new areas.

Their queen produces pheromones that help regular the behaviour and social structure of the colony. She can also suppress the development of other reproductive termites to ensure she’s the only fertile female in the colony.

Grooming also helps to spread chemical signals throughout the colony for the termites to communicate and coordinate behaviour. They also use these signals to identify nestmates, locate food sources and coordinate the construction and maintenance of their nest.


Our Technicians are trained to meticulously seek out subterranean termites. They also assess structural issues, housekeeping practices, and the surrounding environment.


These are installed in the ground. These stations have baits containing a slow-acting substance that the worker termites can bring back to the colony to spread to their nestmates, leading the eventual wipeout. This is a very effective form of termite treatment.


Placed in areas where termites are known to be active, these bait stations are filled with a substance that has delayed effects, allowing time for the termites to consume it and take it back to their colony, thereby further enhancing the termite treatment provided by the in-ground stations.


The stations not only helps to control the current termite infestation problem. You can protect your property through this proactive termite management system that can prevents future ones.


After the service is done, a digital report will be emailed to you. This report contains photos of the problematic spots and the treatment done, along with suggestions specific to your site. 

Frequently Asked Questions!

How to Deal with Termites?

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What To Do When You Find Termites

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5 Easy-To-Spot Signs Your Home Might Have Termites

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A Complete Guide to Handling Termites in the Garden

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4 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Termites in Singapore

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What Should You Do if You Suspect a Termite Infestation?

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How to identify & get rid of Termite in Singapore

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Why is Termite Pest Control so Important in Singapore?

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Survey Results Revealed: Explore More to Secure Your Home Against Termites

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4 Effective Termite Control Methods to Protect Your Property and Furniture

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Top Five Termite Hot spots and Tips to Prevent the Infestation

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All about Termites – Infestation, Damage and Control

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Terminate Termites Before They Take Over

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What the modern homeowner / building owner needs to know about termites in Singapore

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Questions about your pest management program


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  8:30AM - 6:00PM


  8:30AM - 1:00PM



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