Eliminate Booklice Infestation with ORIGIN, Singapore’s trusted Pest Control Services.

Booklice Infestation in Singapore

Introduction to Booklice

Also known as psocids, booklice are tiny insects that thrive in humid environments worldwide and feed on microscopic mildew and moulds. Booklice infestation typically occurs on old papers, rugs, cardboard cartons, upholstered furniture, storage trunks, door and window casing voids, and other damp areas with high humidity. While they resemble lice species, they aren’t technically lice and do not pose any health hazard to humans or pets. Recognisable by their small size, they range from 1 to 2 mm long with soft bodies, and pale colour. As these pests multiply rapidly, professional booklice treatment can be required to prevent damage to sensitive materials.


Why do I have a booklice infestation?

If your home has inadequate ventilation or excessive moisture, you might face a booklice infestation. Also, you are susceptible to these pests if there are damp, warm, undisturbed places around your home where mould and fungi could be growing. Professionals can check and prevent booklice infestation effectively. 


Signs of Booklice Infestation

  • Presence of insects: Spotting tiny and pale insects in damp or humid areas crawling
    on surfaces.
  • Damaged paper materials: Psocids orBooklice eats paper, cardboard, books, and other organic materials with moulds and mildew. As they feed they leave tiny holes on these items.
  • Musty odour: The areas affected by booklice infestation have a damp and musty smell. The smell is caused by the growth of mould and their feeding habits.
  • Faecal pellets and shed skins: These pests leave dark-coloured excrement pellets or small translucent skin sheds on the infested materials.

Prevention Tips

  • Reduce humidity: Booklice multiply rapidly in humid environments and areas prone to moisture buildup. Use a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels below 50 percent.
  • Improve ventilation: Check for proper airflow in rooms where you store books, papers, or similar items. Ample ventilation by opening windows and doors helps reduce moisture.
  • Regular cleaning: Dusting books, shelves, and other items regularly can remove mould and mildew which can otherwise become potential food sources if left unchecked.

Why choose ORIGIN for booklice treatment in Singapore

For a heavy booklice infestation, we would recommend you contact ORIGIN to carry conduct Psocids or booklice treatment to minimise the problem. ORIGIN have the technical knowledge and access to a range of products and equipment which are not available to the public. The key to success for complete elimination, has to be good ventilation and decreasing the humidity in the home.


Commercial pest control -
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White, gray or brown in colour
0.5mm to 4mm in length.

life cycle: a few months egg to larvae: few days pupa to adult: 2-4 weeks.

Booklice are generally active at night, and are attracted to light.

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The female lays eggs in small numbers on organic matter.

Booklice prefer places that have a lot of organic debris like storage areas and bookshelves. 

They feed on mould, fungi and starch found in wallpaper glue and book binding, hence the name.

Booklice are typically found in warm and humid environments like kitchen and bathrooms. 

Booklice have wings but rarely use them; they climb quickly on walls and ceilings using their long legs.

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Our experts are professionally trained to meticulously seek out booklice and identify signs of booklice. They also evaluate environmental factors, housekeeping procedures, and structural problems.


This method releases the formula in a fine mist that penetrates all cracks and crevices effectively, ensuring a complete booklice treatment.


Based on our inspection of your premises and the contributing factors that may be involved, our expert team will offer advice on how to prevent a future booklice infestation.


Once the service is completed, a digital report will be emailed to you. This report contains photos of the problematic spots and treatment done, along with suggestions specific to your site. 


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  8:30AM - 6:00PM


  8:30AM - 1:00PM




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